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How Often Should You Visit A Loved One In Assisted Living?

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A smiling senior in assisted living reads a memory book with their child during a visit.

When a loved one moves into an assisted living community, finding the right balance of visits can be challenging. This is a big change for everyone involved. While they’re certainly enjoying their time with many fun activities, there’s nothing like a visit from family and friends to lift your spirits!

We encourage you to make it a priority to visit your parents regularly—aim for at least 2 to 4 times a month. These visits can be especially vital after they’ve settled into their new home, helping them feel more at ease during this transition. Don’t underestimate the power your presence can truly make in their experience.

The Benefits of Frequent Visits

Visiting your loved one in an assisted living community can significantly boost their emotional and mental health. Regular visits help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, providing emotional support. When family members visit frequently, residents can feel valued, leading to improved mood. These visits can even have positive effects on your loved one’s physical well-being!

For caregivers, these visits also offer a sense of fulfillment. They provide an opportunity to see firsthand how your loved ones are adjusting and thriving in their new environment. This time together strengthens family bonds, creating cherished memories and reinforcing a sense of belonging.

Can You Visit Too Much?

While frequent visits are essential, it’s equally important to respect your loved one’s independence. Striking a balance between being present and allowing them their space can be challenging but is crucial for their overall happiness.

One way to achieve this balance is by establishing a visit schedule that accommodates both your availability and your loved one’s preferences. Discuss with them how often they’d like visits and be open to adjusting based on their feedback. This approach shows respect for their autonomy while ensuring they feel supported.

Additionally, consider the timing and length of your visits. Short, frequent visits might be more beneficial than long, less frequent ones. This way your loved one can enjoy your company without feeling overwhelmed.

In the end, it all comes down to communication.

Factors to Consider for Visit Frequency

Several factors should influence how often you visit your loved one. Consider:

  • Their age and health: Older adults or those with health issues might appreciate more frequent visits, but these could also tire them out or make timing difficult.
  • Distance and transportation: If you live far away or have limited access to transportation, planning regular visits might be more challenging. In such cases, consider utilizing technology to stay connected through video calls, messages, or phone calls.
  • The events calendar: Many assisted living communities provide a range of social and recreational activities. If your loved one is actively participating, they might feel less need for frequent family visits. Or you can time your visits to participate along with them!
A group of grandchildren crowd around their grandparents with a birthday cake while visiting.

Making the Most of Each Visit

Quality matters just as much as quantity when it comes to visits. Planning engaging and meaningful activities can make each visit special. Consider bringing along a favorite book to read together or playing a game they enjoy. Engaging in shared interests can create enjoyable and memorable experiences for all.

There’s plenty to enjoy outside as well. Outdoor activities like taking a walk in the garden or sitting outside can also be refreshing. Bringing along photos or mementos from home can spark conversations and can be a beautiful time to reminisce.

Remember, it’s not always about doing something elaborate. Sometimes, simply sitting and talking, listening to their stories, or watching a favorite TV show together can be incredibly fulfilling.

How to Stay In Touch

Staying close to your loved one doesn’t have to mean physically. In whatever form it takes place, effective communication is key to maintaining a strong connection with your loved one. Regularly check in with them to understand their needs and preferences. This communication helps you determine the right frequency for visits and ensures they feel heard and respected.

In addition to in-person visits, use technology to stay connected. Video calls, text messages, and social media can bridge the gap when physical visits aren’t possible. These digital interactions can be just as meaningful and provide consistent communication.

It’s also important to maintain open lines of communication with the community staff. We can provide valuable insights into your loved one’s well-being and suggest optimal times for visits based on their daily routines.

Keeping Your Loved Ones Close

Finding the right balance of visits to a loved one in an assisted living community is crucial. Regular visits offer numerous benefits—however, it’s equally important to respect their independence. Don’t let these visits be a chore. Make them meaningful.

Ultimately, staying connected and showing your support in ways that work for both you and your loved one is what matters most. That’s why at Kingston Residence of Hickory, we love it when our resident’s families stop by!

So if you’re looking for a community that values this unbreakable bond, contact us to schedule a tour of our assisted living lifestyle. Discover how our personalized experiences and comprehensive services can make a difference in your loved one’s life.

We can’t wait for you to join us!

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  • Hickory, NC 28601

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When you’re at Kingston Residence of Hickory, you’re part of a vibrant community both on campus and off. From fun, engaging activities on campus to delightful excursions into our neighborhood, there’s always something to do!

Find us on 2nd Street, across from St. Aloysius Catholic Church and just 3 minutes from downtown Hickory. 

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