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Hear from Our Residents & Their Families

Kingston Residence of Hickory is a warm, inclusive community where the joy and wellness of our residents are our top priority. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Please take a peek at our testimonials to learn more about our residents’ experience and how their families feel about Kingston Residence of Hickory. 

Are you considering independent living, assisted living, or short-term care? We’d be happy to show you around our community, answer your questions, and help you experience our commitment to elevated senior living firsthand.

What Is Life at Kingston Really Like?

Explore the vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive atmosphere of our community through heartfelt testimonials from our residents. Uncover the essence of life within our community by catching a glimpse of our daily experiences below.

Featured Testimonials

Hear from those who have experienced life at Kingston. Read some of the heartfelt testimonials our residents and their families have shared.

Nurturing Family Relationships

“Since mom moved in, our relationship has improved tenfold. The quality time we now get to share together is all thanks to the exceptional caregivers at Kingston. God bless you all, you’ve made all the difference.” – Helena

Passionate Staff Members

“I love Kingston because it is filled with so many loving and caring people. If you need help there is always someone to jump up and say I’ll be there in a few as soon as possible. Kingston is very welcoming and I love working here!” – Kelsey

Join a Supportive Community

“Everyone is treated fairly from the employees to the residents. It is a caring community and family.” – Penny

Ready to Experience Our Community?

At Kingston Residence of Hickory, we truly are a family. Residents and staff members alike feel a sense of belonging to our community. When you visit us for a tour, you can feel the warmth that radiates through our campus, apparent in the genuine smiles from staff and the happiness of our residents.

Learn about how we create days of contentment. Schedule your tour today.  

Lifestyles We Offer

Independent Living

Enjoy the freedom you desire and the support you deserve. Live a life of purposeful engagement and connection, free from mundane daily tasks.

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle ideal for seniors who want or need assistance with daily activities.

Assisted Living

Short Term Stays

Get temporary support in a safe and enriching community with our short-term care options. You or your loved one can experience our full range of amenities during your stay.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 904 2nd Street NE
  • Hickory, NC 28601

Conveniently Located

When you’re at Kingston Residence of Hickory, you’re part of a vibrant community both on campus and off. From fun, engaging activities on campus to delightful excursions into our neighborhood, there’s always something to do!

Find us on 2nd Street, across from St. Aloysius Catholic Church and just 3 minutes from downtown Hickory. 

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