Our Senior Living Team

in Hickory

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Sincere Hospitality from a Passionate Team

What does every single member of our staff have in common? A passion for senior care. 

From caregivers and nurses to housekeepers and the chefs that cook our delicious meals, our friendly team helps make Kingston Residence of Hickory a great place to live. Warm, welcoming, and dedicated–you’ll love the way they care.

At Kingston Residence of Hickory, our staff are dedicated to enhancing the daily lives of our residents, making each day as vibrant as possible. Our passionate professionals are always ready to lend a hand and share a laugh.

Join our family at Kingston Residence of Hickory, where warmth and attentive care help illuminate every moment.

Book your tour with us today.

Meet Our Executive Director

Around-the-Clock Health Care

Our committed nursing staff prioritizes the health and wellness of our residents. With a skilled nursing team available on-site 24/7, we deliver continuous professional support.

Additionally, we provide diverse amenities and activities to cater to our residents’ well-being. Whether it’s participating in exercise classes or focusing on personal health goals, we offer a variety of options to suit everyone’s preferences.

Our skilled nursing staff are on-site 24/7 to offer prompt assistance for our residents’ needs and offer continuous support.

Let the professionals handle your care. Our certified nurse practitioner (CNP) is ready to assist with medication management, provide health screenings, and help schedule appointments with specialists.

We have a director of nursing on staff who helps ensure that our nurses and caregivers have all the support they need to provide effective, compassionate, comprehensive care for our residents.

The Kingston Approach

Kingston HealthCare Company values individuals whose character and attitude promote our mission. All employees are expected to: 

  • Preserve the safety and well-being of all residents and employees. 
  • Show genuine care for all residents and employees. 
  • Do what is right, even when no one is watching. 
  • Be flexible, be dynamic, and adapt to change. 
  • Create a workplace free from rumors and gossip. 
  • Never initiate or participate in defamation of others.
  • Resolve differences and work to strengthen the team. 
  • Accept responsibility and never shift blame to others. 
  • Provide factual information in a diplomatic way. 
  • Identify priorities, ask the right questions, and remove barriers. 
  • Do things right the first time. 
  • Always strive for continuous improvement.
  • Recognize the contributions of others.
  • Exceed expectations. 
  • Have fun!

Our Team

Kelly Burgess

Kelly Burgess

Executive Director

Dawn Elliot

Dawn Elliot

Director of Nursing

Kim Barrier

Kim Barrier

Activities Director

Mollie Dula

Mollie Dula

Marketing Director

Paige Garner

Paige Garner

Community Relations Specialist

Join the Kingston Team Today

Imagine being part of a passionate team that motivates you, inspires you, and allows you to make a difference in someone’s life each day. If our values resonate with you and you’re interested in finding out more, we encourage you to apply to one of our open positions!

Lifestyles We Offer

Independent Living

Enjoy the freedom you desire and the support you deserve. Live a life of purposeful engagement and connection, free from mundane daily tasks.

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle ideal for seniors who want or need assistance with daily activities.

Assisted Living

Short Term Stays

Get temporary support in a safe and enriching community with our short-term care options. You or your loved one can experience our full range of amenities during your stay.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 904 2nd Street NE
  • Hickory, NC 28601

Conveniently Located

When you’re at Kingston Residence of Hickory, you’re part of a vibrant community both on campus and off. From fun, engaging activities on campus to delightful excursions into our neighborhood, there’s always something to do!

Find us on 2nd Street, across from St. Aloysius Catholic Church and just 3 minutes from downtown Hickory. 

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