Community Events for Seniors

in Hickory

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Immerse Yourself in Community & Connection

Immerse yourself in a vibrant community with abundant opportunities for personal development and connections. Located in the heart of Hickory, Kingston Residence of Hickory embodies the spirit of our charming city with more than just comfortable amenities.

We welcome a diverse array of live performers from Hickory and beyond, offering entertainment that resonates with all tastes. Additionally, we organize regular excursions for our residents to explore our neighborhood, including local shopping and beautiful walking paths. 

Experience the beauty of Hickory and the magic of the Blue Ridge Mountains when you visit us for a tour.  

Activities That Promote Wellness

The cornerstone of our community events is our commitment to the holistic well-being of our residents. We offer a variety of initiatives that cater to different abilities and interests, creating a lifestyle that blends enjoyment with wellness.

Our events include fitness classes, painting sessions, and even music that can soothe the mind. 

Experiences Our Residents Love

From organizing visits to nearby museums to arranging captivating live entertainment, we try our best to curate activities for diverse interests, so everyone has something to look forward to! Whatever your preferences may be, there’s an option that’s sure to entice you. 

Experience the vibrant spirit of exploration at our community. Our experiences not only provide entertainment but also help deepen our connection with the rich local culture in Hickory. 

Whether you want to take a stroll through the Hickory Museum of Art or have a picnic at a local park, we help make outings convenient with scheduled transportation and planning.

You can experience the joy of live music and performances with us. From the enchanting sounds of local singers and songwriters to the soothing melodies of classical musicians, we love inviting local entertainers to delight our residents! 

Connection is at the heart of everything we do. No matter the activity or outing, you can look forward to heartfelt moments with other residents and caregivers alike. Form lasting bonds during on-campus activities, make friends on local outings, and enjoy each other’s company over a delicious meal

Join Our Family

Come visit us and experience all the wonderful experiences our community has to offer! If you have questions about our calendar of events, feel free to reach out to our team.

Lifestyles We Offer

Independent Living

Enjoy the freedom you desire and the support you deserve. Live a life of purposeful engagement and connection, free from mundane daily tasks.

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling lifestyle ideal for seniors who want or need assistance with daily activities.

Assisted Living

Short Term Stays

Get temporary support in a safe and enriching community with our short-term care options. You or your loved one can experience our full range of amenities during your stay.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 904 2nd Street NE
  • Hickory, NC 28601

Conveniently Located

When you’re at Kingston Residence of Hickory, you’re part of a vibrant community both on campus and off. From fun, engaging activities on campus to delightful excursions into our neighborhood, there’s always something to do!

Find us on 2nd Street, across from St. Aloysius Catholic Church and just 3 minutes from downtown Hickory. 

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